Fiber-optic mode online calculator
This applet is called FIMOC (fiber-optic mode online calculator). With it you will be able to calculate and visualize the propagating modes of any step-index fiber of your choice.
If you want to go directly to the software, scroll to the bottom, but if you are interested in where these modes come from, read on.
Optical fibers
Did you know tha...

Multilayer calculator with transfer-matrix method
Light propagating in multilayered media is not difficult to simulate by using the transfer matrix method. This method assigns matrices to layers and/or interfaces and calculates electromagnetic propagation by matrix-multiplying from the first element to the last. Actually, there are two possible transfer-matrix methods to solve a multilayer prob...

Multilayered planar waveguide solver with the transfer-matrix method
With this applet, you will be able to calculate the guided modes on planar multilayer structures. It calculates the effective index $n_{eff}$ for all TE and TM modes, and also the electric field mode profile of each mode.
Calculation method
One method of calculating the mode spectrum is to solve the differential equation considering the index ...

Simulation of interferometers and ring resonators
Interferometers and resonators are photonic structures with many applications, including filtering, sensing, modulating, etc. They can be build in free-space, in optical fibers, or they can be integrated on a photonic integrated circuit. This simulation tool is mainly focused in the latter technology, but the theory is the same for all technolog...